While the statistics on smoking have indicated a steady decrease in the number of American smokers since the first anti-smoking laws were put into place and citizen awareness about the dangers of smoking become more common, a startling trend is
Just when we thought having separate areas for smokers and non-smokers in public places was at least a step in the right direction toward public health, here is some troubling news for those looking to avoid the harmful effects of
Smoking cessation expert and Loyola Univeristy Health System physician Philip McAndre, MD spoke out against e-cigarettes in a January 29, 2014 article published by Loyola Medicine. The physician has seen his share of victims of nicotine addiction and claims that
CVS announced on February 5th, 2014 a decision to pull all tobacco products from their shelves by October. The decision will cost the company about $2 billion a year, but company leaders can no longer justify selling tobacco products under
Third-hand smoke is a problem even in the homes of non-smokers, say scientists researching the level of carcinogenic tobacco compounds found in house dust.
This is the first time actual measurements of third hand smoke have been used to understand
If you have a medical condition made worse by secondhand smoke drifting into your apartment, federal and state disability laws might help you address the problem. Depending on the nature of your disability, your landlord may be required to make
A Typical Question
Subject: Tobacco smoke drift in apartment building
Dear NSMA,
We are currently suffering our neighbours cigarette smoke drifting into our apartment. We have informed our body corporate/strata and requested action but to no avail.
What can we
Smoking in all indoor workplaces and public places has been prohibited across the UK since July 2007 but domestic premises are generally exempt from the smokefree law. The smokefree law has helped to change attitudes towards smoking: around 8
Electronic cigarettes need to be strongly regulated — and quickly — to prevent another generation of young people from becoming addicted to nicotine, according to the American Heart Association’s first policy statement on the products.
In its statement, the heart
Written by Benita Matilda
According to a new study published online in Tobacco Control, all non-smoking hotel rooms operating a partial smoking ban fail to protect their occupants from tobacco smoke, as the smoke from other rooms tends to travel from room to room. Even